mounjaro injection for weight loss in connecticut ct

Mounjaro (Tirzepatide)

Injection Administration, Side Effects, Contraindications and How to Manage Side Effects

Tirzepatide Injection Sites

What is the best day of the week to inject the medication

Tirzepatide ?

Some patients prefer to start the regimen on a weekend for maximum appetite suppression including less craving & food noise. Others prefer administration on a Friday evening so that if they experience any early side effects it won’t interfere with their activities scheduled during the week. Some prefer to start on the weekdays because they prefer to enjoy the weekend with family if there are any side effects experienced. The effect of the medicine is strongest right after administration and appetite suppression decreases progressively by the 5th or 6th day for most individuals. Ultimately the day you start the treatment is up to you.

What are the Contraindications to Tirzepatide ?

Do not take this medication if you are pregnant, breast feeding, or plan to become pregnant.

Why is Hydrating with water while taking Tirzepatide important?

As you take this medication your appetite will be suppressed. That means you are going to eat less. Your body has excess calories, it can break down fat to give energy to you. But do not forget to hydrate with water. Hydration with coffee, soda, juices, and other sweet beverages will increase your chance of dehydration. Do not forget to HYDRATE with water always!

How to manage common Side Effects of Tirzepatide ?

The most common side effects of Mounjaro are nausea, vomiting (in severe cases especially if you eat more than your body wants), diarrhea, abdominal pain (stomach ache) and constipation (unable to poop), dehydration (often from not drinking enough water). Some other side effects my patients have experienced are flatulence (farts) burping, or bloating, which is the feeling of the stomach being overfull from eating too much. These can be reduced if you listen to your body and don’t overeat when you aren’t hungry or if you feel full. Also remember to drink water to stay hydrated throughout the day even if you do feel full. As you get used to this new medication you should listen to what your body is telling you to help reduce side effects.

We are excited for you to get started with your weight loss journey soon. Please make an appointment with our board certified nurse practitioner today.