Good Fats vs. Bad Fats: What You Need to Know
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Fat is an essential nutrient, which gives our body energy and helps maintain our core body temperature.
Good Fats and Bad Fats
Good or healthy fat helps protect our heart while bad fats increase cholesterol, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease.⠀
More importantly it is essential to identify the type of fat you should be eating.
Identifying The Type of Fat We Consume
- Healthy fats are called mono-unsaturated or poly-unsaturated fats and they decrease bad (LDL) cholesterol.⠀
- Good fat comes from plants and are liquid at room temperature. Eg: Olive oil, canola oil, corn oil, avocado oil, soybean oil. ⠀
- Unhealthy fat or saturated foods are solid at room temperature and are found in animal products including butter, ghee, cheese, beef, sausage, hot dog, bacon.⠀
- The American Heart Association recommends that saturated fat be no more than 5 to 6% of your total daily caloric intake.⠀⠀
- If you eat around 2,000 total calories in a day, only about 120 should come from saturated fat.⠀⠀
Avoid Trans Fats:
- The worst of all fat are called trans-fats and are found in most processed and fried foods including french fries, pizza dough, margarines, shortening.
- Trans fats are also found in sweets and savory foods including muffins, chips, crackers, ice creams, cakes.⠀
Healthy Food Swaps for a Stronger Heart
- Replace your butter,ghee, margarine with vegetable oil including olive oil, canola oil to prevent plaque build up in your arteries which leads to heart attack and stroke.
- Cut down on processed, packaged and fried foods to improve your cholesterol level, diabetes, blood pressure.
- When in doubt always think of food that comes from plants not animals. Make sure to use a non-stick pan so that way you don’t use too much oil when cooking.
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